Mango Shrimp Sushi Roll

Fresh sweet Mango, crisp lettuce and bell peppers and crunchy shrimp tempura wrapped in sushi rice and nori. A tropical sushi that is slightly different from traditional sushi roll. It’s different in a good delicious way.

I had been waiting for the Mango season so I can make this Mango Sushi Roll. I love desserts with Mango and I also like eating fresh Mango for desert. Here in BC Canada, we only have them for a short period of time. About mid Spring to Summer, let’s say 3-4 months max. So every opportunity I get to enjoy fresh Mango in season, please sign me in! Mango is the first one to appear among the Summer fruits, it’s ahead by 2 months compared to berries. Although I used fresh Mango mostly of desserts, this post that I am sharing with you today is one exception. Mango Sushi! 

For some people, this is a bit of an odd ingredients for a Sushi. Definitely not traditional, but whoever started this variation, thank you! I love Mango even when I was living back in the Philippines. Growing up, this is one fruit that we often have for desserts. Mango season is longer than here in Canada so we get to enjoy it longer. I was never into baking before, so all the time we eat Mango fresh as is. We even eat it with rice, yes! With rice. Sounds weird? Maybe :). I was telling this because this Mango Sushi Roll is just like that. Mango and rice together, but this is more of the fancy version with all the other veggie and added shrimp tempura. 

What Type of Mango to Use

I used the sweet yellow Mango. They are softer and sweeter when ripe. They are the Mango that we eat for dessert once it becomes ripe and yellow. 

You can also use Mexican Mango. They have a more firmer texture and usually are green in color with some shade of yellow or red as it starts to ripe. This type Mango are often sold while they are still green, and you can use it as is. For use in making sushi, you have to choose the ripe yellow ones. The green ones are not going to be as sweet, but if that is your presence then go for it. I used 1 large Mango and the flesh thinly sliced. Then I had it arrange in clingwrap for easy transfer on top of the sushi.

Homemade Shrimp and Mango Sushi Roll

Difference between Uramaki Sushi and Futomaki Sushi

The inside out sushi is known as a uramaki sushi while the regular seaweed out maki sushi is known as a futomaki. Quite challenging for me to remember these names so I just referred to it as reverse sushi for the one with the rice outside.


For the filling, I used fresh lettuce. This is one unusual ingredients for a Sushi but I find that it works well with the sweet Mango. You can skip it you don’t want some greens included. I also used 3 types of sweet bell peppers: yellow, red and orange. The idea is to have a colorful combinations of veggie. I added thinly sliced Mango as well, so you get Mango inside and outside, it is a Mango Sushi Roll after all. If you want to keep it vegetarian, you can stop at this. In my case, I added shrimp tempura to make it more filling. Who doesn’t want shrimp tempura? I used a store-bought tempura and used 3 pieces since these are the small short one. If using the long tempura, 2 should me lore than enough. This Mango Sushi Roll is exploding and loaded with filling so really need a Sushi mat for this. Either that or cut back on the filling so it is easier to roll. As you can see, the entire nori is covered with filling which is unusual. Normally, you will only fill 1/4 of the end. I made an exception with this one as I want a really think and big slices of Sushi. 

As always, serve it with picked ginger and sushi sauce on the side. They make a lot of difference. Sriracha Mayonnaise is also recommended, and if you like it hot, some wasabi on the side too. 

Perfectly Cooked Sushi Rice

First, you will need a sushi rice to make a sushi roll. Sushi rice is a rice seasoned with white vinegar, salt and sugar. You can cook the rice on stove-top or by using a rice cooker. How to tell if you’ve cooked the rice perfectly? After the rice is steamed, the texture should be fluffy with a firm bite. And each rice grain should be sticky yet retain its shape (not mushy). Mushy rice means it has too much water or it’s overcooked.

Sriracha Mayonnaise

I always make it a point to add some sort of sauce or dressing to any Japanese Roll that I make. It makes a huge difference in taste and in the experience. Without any sauce or dressing, it could be dry and not as satisfying to eat. You can buy Sriracha mayonnaise or Japanese mayonnaise or you can make your own, like what I did here. You can also use plain mayonnaise if you are in a hurry and really hungry.

  • Mayonnaise – any kind of mayonnaise will work. Regular, light or even vegan mayonnaise. 
  • Sriracha – Sriracha is a spicy chili sauce. I only used a small amount, but it you like it extra spicy you can add more
  • Lemon Juice – this will help make the consistency light and will add a nice tangy taste to the dressing
  • Salt  – small amount goes a long way. I find it slightly bland without the salt, definitely don’t skip it
  • Sugar – The small amount will enhance the taste of the dressing, don’t worry it is not going to make the dressing sweet at all, but definitely don’t skip it

Adding Vinegar to Make Sushi Rice

Apparently, Japanese used to wrapped fish in fermented rice a long time ago to preserve the fish. Once they are ready to eat the fish, the fermented rice is then throw away. As time goes by, people stopped using fermented rice to preserve the fish, instead they just added vinegar to rice keep the shelf life of the fish longer. The addition of vinegar enhances the taste of the rice, and hence they enjoyed eating both the rice and fish together. Fast forward to current time, what we have now is the Sushi

Tips in Making Sushi Rice

  1. Use the Right Type of Rice: Traditionally, sushi rice is made using Japanese rice. The consistency, texture and flavor of Japanese rice is very different from long-grain rice, jasmine rice, or other types of rice. It has higher content of moisture and is stickier when cooked. If you cannot find Japanese rice, use at least a short grained rice.
  2. Rinse and Soak: Rinse, rinse, rinse until no more starch comes out from the water. If you have time, let the rice soak for at least 30 minutes for better texture. Soaking enlarge the grain of the rice, producing a fluffy cooked grains.
  3. Season the Rice: What makes sushi rice different from regular rice is that sushi rice is a seasoned rice. The basic seasonings needed for sushi rice include white vinegar, salt, and sugar to achieve the balance of sweet, salty and sourish taste.

Sushi Mat

A sushi mat is made of many thin sticks of bamboo tied together into a mat. Sushi mats are used for making sushi rolls. The mat acts as a guide for easy rolling.  

Why do you wrap the sushi mat with plastic sheet?

To avoid the rice from sticking to the mat you need to put a layer or wrapping of plastic on it. I see people using the mat without the plastic which is possible but it will be quite messy. So do yourself a favor and do not go to that messy situation. A simple plastic wrap will make your sushi making a pleasant experience.

Can I make sushi without sushi mat?

Yes you can. Instead of using sushi mat, use a clean thin towel or parchment paper. Lay the towel on a flat surface then put a plastic wrap on top of it. Then lay the nori on top and follow the same instruction as when you assemble the roll (step #7).


I like making variations of this sushi and feel free to experiment and unleash your creativity. You can replace the shrimp with imitation crab meat, tuna, salmon or masago (fish roe). Make it your own varitaion that you enjoy. The important thing is that you enjoy eating it.

Serving Ideas:

I had tried eating this without the garnishing and I did not feel as satisfied with it. This is why I said garnishing is optional but highly recommended. The sushi sauce and the picked ginger adds a packed of flavor to the sushi. Wasabi is optional if you do not like spicy sauce, but get yourself bottle of sushi sauce and picked ginger. It is worth the buy when you are making your own sushi at home.

Ok, so I think I got you covered on what you should know in this variation. Let’s get started! 


  • 1 piece Nori (seaweed) Sheet
  • 3/4 cup cooked Sushi Rice
  • 3 pieces leaf Lettuce
  • 9 thinly sliced Assorted sweet Bell Peppers – sliced at 1/4-inch thick 
  • 1 large sweet fresh dessert Mango 

Garnishing (Optional but Highly recommended)

  • Sushi Sauce
  • Wasabi Paste
  • Pickled Ginger


  1. Cook the Rice(Using Rice Cooker): Transfer the rice in a pan. Rinse with water, 3 -4 times until the rice until the water is almost clear. Add water and cook the rice.
    • Alternatively, you can also cook the rice on stove-top just like how you cook regular rice.
  2. Make the Sushi Vinegar: In a small bowl, mix the vinegar, salt and sugar. Set aside while you wait for the rice to cook. if making a large batch for future use, mix everything in a pan and bring to simmer until the salt and sugar is completely dissolved. You can also use microwave.
  3. Make the Sushi Rice: Transfer the cooked rice in a bowl. Pour the sushi vinegar, then sprinkle black and white sesame seed. Mix until combined. Spread the rice so the it cools faster. Keep on mixing until the rice cools down. Cover with damp towel until ready to use.
  4. Make the Sriracha Mayo: In a small bowl, mix the mayonnaise, sriracha, lemon juice, salt and sugar. Stir to combine. Alternatively, you can also use plain mayonnaise or store-bought Japanese mayonnaise.
  5. Prepare the vegetables & the Mango: Thinly slice bell peppers and the Mango
  6. Assemble the Sushi Roll: Lay the Nori on the sushi mat. Fill the top with filling. Lettuce, thinly slice mango and tempura. Drizzle dressing on top (sriracha mayonniase or anything similar).
  7. Roll: Thightly roll the form a log.
  8. Slice: Use a sharp knife and slice to 8 pieces
  9. Serve: Transfer the sliced roll into a serving plate.
  10. Garnishing (optional): Garnishing are optional but highly recommended. Serve with wasabi, picked ginger and sushi sauce on the side. You can buy all this in the grocery.

Serves 1

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